How to Treat Uterine Fibroids Naturally

3 years ago

Did you know you can treat myomas without surgeries? Do you have myomas or know any woman who does?

Myoma is a relatively common feminine issue without any complications. It does, however, cause some discomfort and worry.

It is a benign tumor that develops during the fertile age, causing excessive bleeding or compressing the adjacent structures, especially the bladder.

Women who haven't had children yet, obese and those with a family history of myomas may be predisposed for this disease. Did you know that?

Myomas develop inside, outside, or between the uterine walls or even inside the uterine cavity. They are classified as subserosal, intramural, and submucous.

You must have a medical following by a gynecologist, and the treatment is done with medication.

However, some cases may require surgery to remove the tumor.

Besides the treatment prescribed by your doctor, some teas can reduce or even eliminate the discomforts and accelerate the healing process. Did you know that?

So, let's see how to treat myomas and accelerate your recovery with 3 teas that are 100% natural. Let's see also why they work.

Attention: don't add more ginger than what the recipe calls for, as the ingredient is a stimulant and can cause agitation, irritability, and hot flashes.

Do not mix cat's claw with ginger, warfarin, theophylline, and estrogens. Choose between ginger tea or cat's claw tea, but never drink both at the same time.

Never use more than 1/2 a tablespoon of cat's claw in 34 ounces of water a day to treat myomas.

0:00 How to Treat Uterine Fibroids Naturally
1:15 Yellow Uxi Tea Benefits
2:07 Cat's Claw Tea Benefits
2:50 Ginger Tea Benefits
3:40 Precautions and Side Effects



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