Delicious Smoothie Recipe to Beat Menopause Symptoms Naturally

3 years ago

Do you suffer from the hot flashes of menopause? Do you know anyone going through this phase?

You surely have heard that the symptoms of menopause aren't the most pleasant, right?

Menopause is an important change in a woman's life. It can happen anytime after 45 years old.

Usually, menopause is hit once the woman spends a whole year without having periods. This indicates that the reproductive stage is over.

The main characteristics of menopause are the physical and emotional changes caused by the imbalance in hormone production.

These may include hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, vaginal dryness, weight gain, depression, anxiety, trouble concentrating, and memory issues.

Other symptoms are dry skin, frequent urination, sensible breasts, headaches, urinary tract infections, reduced muscle mass, achy joints, reduction of bone mass.

You may also present hair loss and an increase or growth of hair in certain areas, like the face, neck, thorax, and upper part of the back.

But it doesn't mean that you will have all symptoms. Menopause is different for each woman and can last from a few months to years.

Although the symptoms may affect your quality of life, remember that menopause is not a disease and shouldn't make your life worse.

To deal with menopause, try this natural smoothie.

If you are having any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor to see which natural treatment works better for your case.

Try this smoothie as a complement to your treatment and share your experience with us.

0:00 How Menopause Starts
0:30 Menopause Symptoms
1:23 How to Treat Menopause Naturally



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