S2E27: Questions to Ask your Woke Boss

3 years ago

On this week’s episode of the Hope One show, Frank goes through some challenging questions to keep in your back pocket for your woke boss. Maybe you won’t need them but it's always good to be prepared! Plus Frank is back for more LIVE Q&A.

Questions to ask your woke boss

Can I ask some questions to get some clarification on our company policies?

I’m not questioning anyone’s intentions. I think everyone’s intentions are good with these policies. I’m just concerned that there may be unforeseen and unintended consequences.

Does this company value tolerance?

What does tolerance mean?

What does inclusion mean?

What does diversity mean?

Do we all have to have the same political, religious or moral beliefs to work here?

Does the company think it’s right to force employees to violate their conscience?

Why does the company think it has the medical expertise to order employees to encourage people to stay in their state of gender dysphoria?

Is the company aware that those with gender dysphoria have a suicide rate 19 times higher than the general public after surgery? How does affirming this condition help people?

Why are we talking about sex in the workplace? What does it have to do with workplace productivity?

Why is the company forcing people to take firm positions on controversial political and moral issues?

I treat everyone with respect regardless of any political or moral disagreements we may have. I don’t want to try to force people to act in ways contrary to their conscience, and I only ask the same respect in return.

Link for Southern Evangelical Seminary for excellent online training in Theology, Philosophy, and Apologetics www.ses.edu/Frank

0:00 – Inro
5:20 – Questions for your woke boss.
8:40 – Does your company value tolerance?
9:45 – Does your company value inclusion?
11:10 – Does your employer require everyone to have the same political, religious, and moral beliefs to work there?
11:50 – Does your company think its right to force employees to violate their conscience?
12:56 – Transgenderism pre-supposes fixed genders.
17:40 – Why is the workplace forcing people to make a firm position on controversial, political, moral, and medical issues?
22:50 – What is the definition of a bigot?
27:40 – Do we lose our constitutional rights when we enter the workplace?
29:30 – How do I not look intolerant when asked about LGBTQ issues at work?
31:35 - What’s the most convincing part of the fine-tuning argument for you?
37:10 - How do you define tolerance?
38:10 – What are your thoughts on Dr. Jordan Peterson’s Biblical series?
40:10 – What is the Euthyphro Dilemma and how do I better explain it to others?
43:40 – Why was shellfish forbidden in the Old Testament but not in the New Testament?
46:40 – Should a pastor’s kid be more spiritual than anyone else?
51:10 - How would you respond to the claim that a message is only a message because we interpret it as one?
55:15 – Is tolerance the goal?
57:00 – Who came first, people or religion?
57:47 - How do I deal with an angry atheist who just wants to argue instead of having a good discussion?
59:06:00 - How do I go about being a Christian daughter to unsaved parents?
1:03:08 - How do I work in my state when my tax dollars go toward antichristian causes?
1:05:19 - If people can be brought back to life so easily, how does that affect Christian testimonies of a similar kind (miracles)?
1:08:55 – How can I talk to people about living the way Jesus wants us to, without making them feel defensive?
1:14:38 – How can I get into Christian Apologetics?
1:16:25 – As a teacher, should I use a student’s chosen they/them pronouns in the hope of being able to witness to them eventually?

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