SHANGHAI LOCKDOWNS will kill more people than Covid-19: The CCP’s cure is worse than the disease

2 years ago

It is important for us to discuss what is happening in Shanghai, China. There are 26 million people on lockdown. Not lockdown like in America where you can leave your house to buy food, medicine and to exercise. No No No…they are not allowed to leave their homes at all. This barbaric lockdown can only happen in a communist country with an atheist government that has no Moral values to speak of.

Let me ask you this, what would you do if the Biden administration, Dr.Fauci and the CDC said your city has to be locked down and you can not leave your home. Not for food, not even for medical emergencies. Just for a second I want you to put yourself in the shoes of the citizens in Shanghai. Now just imagine you were told that you will be locked down for just 4 days but that 4 days turns into 2 weeks. And just imagine that your children are crying from hunger pains, what would you do? What if you had an elderly parent that needs life sustaining medical care but you can’t take them to the hospital…What would you do? What we are seeing take place in China is a warning…A warning to everyone who doesn't understand how important it is to have moral values and it's a giant warning to those who take freedom for granted.

#Shanghailockdowns #Shanghai #ZeroCovidPolicy
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