6 Signs That You Need Methylfolate

3 years ago

Have you ever heard about methylfolate? Do you know why pregnant women need to take folic acid during pregnancy?

Also called folic acid, methylfolate, or vitamin B9, folate is important for fetal development and neural tube formation. But it is not exclusive for pregnant women; actually, its properties benefit everybody. Did you know that?

The National Health Institute says adults should take 400 milligrams of folic acid every day. It is crucial for our health, helping the body make and repair DNA and produce red blood cells.

With the lack of folic acid, you may show symptoms and even develop anemia, when there is not enough oxygen to ensure adequate body function. Did you know that?

See the 6 most common signs that your body needs more folic acid:

0:00 Methylfolate Deficiency Symptoms
0:53 Pain in the body
1:16 Cognitive issues
1:34 Tiredness and shortness of breath
1:50 Pale and flaccid skin
2:19 Gastrointestinal issues
2:35 Bad memory or mental confusion

But, how to treat methylfolate deficiency?

Watch the video to learn more!


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