Chris & Art weekly chat 19.04.22

2 years ago

We talk politics and voting…. after we discuss Chris’ beard, of course.

Key points:
- freedom advocates NOT voting only supports greater power for the existing duopoly (and less freedom for us)
- educate yourself about how to vote “below the line” to make YOUR preferences count
- if you lose your freedom of assembly, speech, bodily autonomy through Labour/Green or Liberal/Nationals winning, then none of your passion for protecting the environment or cleaning up our political system will matter
- look specifically for a candidate/party’s COVID and climate action policies to see who is truly pro-freedom and anti-NWO
- talk to others about voting through topics that appeal to them, many who don’t consider themselves ‘freedom advocates’ are also unhappy with the state of things.

Topher Field:
Preferential voting in House of Rep:
Preferential voting in Senate:

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