Slam Fire #023

2 years ago

The ATF has become emboldened with coming after regular law-abiding citizens. States are holding family’s moral values hostage in order to push a psychotic ideology to groom young children. This culture war is without a doubt in full swing. Now is the time to hunker down and prepare for the mental, spiritual, and possible physical battles that are in store for us, because remember we’re barely in April. As we get closer to November, expect things to ramp up. With that being said, it’s time to double down even, triple down on self-reliance. Do what you need to do now so that you are able to outlast all these mindless people who have made the personal decision to rely on others in order to not only survive, but reassure them that everything is fine. If the apocalypse happened tomorrow, I guarantee there would be people still going to work and going about their daily routine because they are completely oblivious to what is going on.

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