Mark Moss: How to Prepare for the Great Reset

3 years ago

Tom welcomes a new guest to the program Mark Moss. Mark is an investor, strategist, founder of the "Market Disruptors" and a nationally syndicated radio host.

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Mark begins by explaining the intent and background of those behind the "Great Reset" agenda. This agenda is being promoted by Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros, and Mark Carney. He recommends people read the books by Mr. Schwab and Mark Carney and consider what they are saying carefully.

Mark explains why these non-governmental organizations are dangerous because no one votes for them and they have no accountability. Much of the world is being overtaken by central banks and corporations. They are usurping the power of the nation-state through various "world" organizations like the WHO and IMF.

Klaus and company have made several predictions including that by 2030 "You'll own nothing and you will be happy." They are also promoting ideas like there will be no more fossil fuels and that people shouldn't eat meat. The "Fourth Industrial Revolution" book describes a merger of man and machine. Essentially, the connecting of individuals directly to a global A.I. cloud.

History and economic cycles tend to repeat since there is always a part of the population that wants to control everything. Power tends to become oppressive and then the public revolts. We go from periods of centralization back to decentralization. He believes we are now at peak centralization as there is increasing pushback. Other cycles are also converging. The reserve currency standard is one of these cycles along with technology.

The policies of centralization always fail because they cause breakdowns in the free market. Green initiatives are an example of this and we are seeing the resulting energy crisis. We're seeing multi-hundred percent moves in natural gas prices. Supply chains are breaking down because of these policies globally and problems are spilling over food production. All of these issues combined could result in many people owning nothing by 2030.

Bitcoin is the revolution and the government is trying to gimmick-ify their own solutions. Central bank digital currencies could enable behavior modification by controlling when, where, and how you may make purchases. They can modify behavior through rewards and penalties.

He also notes that these coming currencies could result in a complete collapse of the existing banking structures down to a handful of global entities.

He discusses ways to get out of the financial Titanic. Get your wealth out early and avoid anything that is losing value from inflation. Diversify out of assets that carry regulatory risks.

Time Stamp References:
0:00 - Introduction
0:30 - The Great Reset
4:13 - 8 Predictions
7:00 - Peak Centralization
10:19 - Converging Cycles
16:55 - CBDC and ownership
21:00 - CBDC and Behavior
23:47 - Totalitarian Two-Step
26:11 - Currency Roll-Outs
29:20 - Protecting Yourself
32:45 - Bitcoin & Control
36:23 - Concluding Thoughts
37:58 - Wrap Up

Talking Points From This Episode
- The Great Reset and its consequences.
- A convergence of long-period cycles.
- Central bank digital currencies and control.
- Solutions to preserving wealth and exiting the system.

Guest Links:

Mark is the founder of Market Disruptors, the host of one of the fastest growing finance channels on YouTube focused on Bitcoin, and the new host of the first nationally syndicated radio shows on the iHeart Radio network focused on Bitcoin topics. His use of history for perspective makes complex subject easy to understand and actionable.

#MarkMoss #GreatReset #MarketDisruptors #GreatReset #MarketDisruptors #CentralBanking #Bitcoin #WealthProtection #CBDC #Centralization #Collapse #Gold #Agenda2030 #KlausSchwab

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