Removing Alien & Dark Alien Implants FORCED | #RemovingAlienImplants #Biokinesis #Subliminal

2 years ago



This music 660 Hz been recorded with the intention to deactivate and eliminate alien and dark alien implants, devices, curses , hexes and spells. It will help elevate your vibration with our attraction angelic harmony frequency.

This track is embedded with frequency of 660 Hz. The frequency of Alien Device Deactivation.

#manifestmiracles #alien #alienimplantsdeactivation
#healing #attracteverything #pleiadianintelligence #relaxation
#peace #trip #love #light #replication #darkalienremoval

Subliminal Affirmations:

My pineal gland is now creating the necessary supercells to destroy any alien and dark alien device and implants inside my body and my ethereal body. is true and works now permanent.

This audio automatic replicate its effects by 1 million times per second, permanently. Even when I am not listening to him.
I have now Divine Protection.
I have now Protection from ET & dark groups.
My supercells now Deactivates ET implants into my body forever.
My supercells now Deactivates ET implants in my vicinity
My supercells are now expulsing painless any ET implant forever.
I am now permanently safe of physical possession of my removed ET implant
My Implant becomes impossible to locate, repair, or be retrieved by ET. Happens now and forever.
I Regain control over my mind, body, & spirit. Forever.
I am becoming unable to be located, manipulated, or abducted by ET. Permanently forever.
I am Becoming free of future abductions or implantation. Is true forever.
I am Becoming free of fear related to ET
My supercells are now Removing ET & dark entity possession. Forever.
I Restore & regain control over my mind, body, & spirit.
I am Moving forward with life. I am lucky.
My supercells Undo all harmful effects of ET manipulation. Is true.
All my data & samples collected by ET or dark groups no longer exists. Is true forever.
My supercells Improve sleep & regain feelings of safety.
My supercells Protects & keeps safety for loved ones from ET.
My supercells keeps ET & other dark groups banished from my life forever. Permanent.
All my false and traumatic memories are erased forever.
My phisical and ethereal bodies are healed forever.
All those desired results are permanent.

It can be used with or without headphones. This music has been recorded with the intention to send out miracles to all who listen to this masterpiece.

This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help.

by Neil Cross

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