24 hours worth of voice donations to ShivFPS. Funny text-to-speech and reactions. Part 1 of 4.

3 years ago

#ShivFPS #ApexLegends #PPpills #thereisnoshivpppills #comeonmanwhatareyousaying

There were two of Shiv's vods that together were around 24 hours, so i thought i would take (almost) all of the text-to-speech messages and combine them to a video.

In addition to all the PP pill related testimonials, business tips and support questions, there is also, among other things:

- the Hemlok song
- a part of the side arc: Shiv vs. NA servers ("they are free kp")
- Shiv's one-handed endgame anti-clutch while eating
- which is the better war mount, a rhino or a hippo?

Does not include, among other things:
- chat "going crazy" and "even Honey has turned to the dark side", at 3:30 of the 18th
- Shiv thoroughly reporting a cheater

For the full experience:
https://www.twitch.tv/shivfps and

Taken from his streams of the 17th and 18th February.

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