Message to AFRICA. It's old now! Be ACCOUNTABLE.

2 years ago

Years gone by since this man just happened to tell Africa a GLARING TRUTH!
However..the play on international victimized narratives is just too profitable..for the elite level of the CORRUPT BLACK LEADERSHIPS.

It'll remain the same into the future. Why? MSM LOVES THE BLACK VICTIMHOOD NARRATIVE....and so does the black person. It's the greatest Aversion to SELF ACCOJNTABILITY.
Mantra for Life : ALWAYS blame SOMEONE ELSE!

In South Africa this is well used by ANC.
Remember..There's no sanctions against SA but NOBODY is doing any substantial investments here. Nobody is interested in inserts or black board members ..or nationalization policy..or the high crime risks associated with assets security.
Unions are perhaps SA's most rolling disaster regarding the exploding unemployment.

At the real collapse of SA that will one-day be written mostly by the many that were silent since 1994, Remember ALL WERE COMPLICIT by SILENCE. Of course all these were very vocal about freeing and installing Mandela. Today none squeak while SA is tied at joint 3rd for Most Violent Crime /Most Corrupt Country.

You'll notice this situation is not uncommon allover the world wherever black rulerships operate. Only a few try to root out corruption but chaos is guaranteed at points in leadership changes. Most say that's "stereotyping" but by research you may find this is fact.

Of course this video content can incense pan-Africanists, racebaiters and the general observer that's under the delusion that blackness must be coddled and exempt from all ACCOUNTABILITY.

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