CozyTV, Elon Musk's Hostile Takeover of Twitter with Nick Fuentes

2 years ago

If his goal was to make twitter a free speech platform, then owning 14.9% of the company isn’t enough to make management decisions. If he rejects the seat at this point, it is far more likely than his ambitions are greater and go further in owning the entire twitter. This was vindicated today when it was announced for Elon Musk to buy 100% of the shares at $54.20 which is a really generous offer. I think twitter was sharing around $44.20. He is basically paying a 30% premium on those shares before he initiated that process, I think its like what… 700 million shares. He’s offering to buy the company to buy the company for $47 billion dollars in cash and financing secured and buy everybody out so that he can hopefully turn twitter into a free speech platform
CNN, “Telsa CEO who currently has a 9.5% stake in twitter is now offering to buy out the twitter platform. Elon “I opted to buy out twitter because I believe twitter needs to be transformed into a private company in order for the necessary changes to be implemented, whats needed in a sustainable democracy, free speech is of the utmost importance. “
Last week it was disclosed that Elon Musk had 9.5% of stock purchased of twitter shares and now it is disclosed that he is going to buy out the entire platform, and is he looking to turn twitter to benefit his interests. Strategically it makes sense, he bought 9% of twitter and he wrote a veiled threat ‘ I can’t make the changes I want to with my 9% portfolio’ in other words he wants to flush out the current people running twitter. He can’t do that while he is on the board and he can’t do that with only a 9% stake. Then he says that if that can’t happen then he is going to have to take another look at his investment in twitter. If he sells his shares at a very low rate, that will be catastrophic for twitter’s price. So Twitter needs to either sell their company to twitter or else. Additionally, twitter is not a good company from a technical point of view. The users hate, on a technical level it isn’t good, and it doesn’t care about its users either. It has fiscal problems and it has management problems. This is a serial underperformer, it isn’t a great company. But they know that if they do sell it to Elon Musk, Elon Musk will empower the current idealogue enemies of the people who currently run this nation. They don’t like Trump, they don’t like right wing political, and they recognize the power that twitter has. They know their political advocasies will be hurt if they allow Elon Musk to make changes to the platform, twitter is very important unless its changed from the top down so that their message is the only message. Or, on the other hand, if they don’t sell it to Elon Musk, Elon threatens that he is going to sell his current stake. Long story short, somebody is going to buy this company If Elon Musk doesn’t. Theres a tremendous value proposition here, a lot of college educated and a lot of political people, yes it’s a smaller platform but its got a very important demographic and the ‘microblog’ is a very important type of forum and it encompasses political events and make no mistake it does influence the current thought of the country. I think it’s a huge white pill no matter how you look at it, no matter how it shakes out. Twitter is already obsolete for the right wing. Twitter is in fact less than obsolete because it continues to allow some people and not others and it makes it worse so if Elon Musk lets everyone back on, if they don’t and twitter becomes worse then it may actually be a better outcome for right wingers. Any shakeup is good, it doesn’t matter what the outcome is the only thing to know is that the status quoeoe is absolutely unacceptable. The status queue continuing without any disruption and anything that threatens to push us off course because the current trajectory gives us 0% of winning.
And now we have to talk about the current establishment and notice how Vanguard is the #1 financial institutions for twitter, they are very popular with the ETF’s that they trade, its institutions like those that own the majority of these shares. Meanwhile, a Saudi prince with 8% hold in twitter announced that he wouldn’t accept the offer from Elon Musk. And in mere hours from Elon Musk’s offer, you see retaliation from the federal government, Vanguard, Blackrock, and that should show you how bad the current situation is. Twitter is basically the town square and topics being discussed on twitter will effect downstream our political representations, if it isn’t the politicians in charge but the people controlling the current election cycles. In essence what Elon Musk is doing is to try to protect the town square, he is trying to take power from big tech managers and is trying to restore it to the people. And if there is algorithmic manipulation of the platform, people will see it and that will restore confidence back to the people.

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