Does Permaculture chop and drop work? A soil building secret!

3 years ago

Is this garden overgrown?

Biomass on your permanently raised beds provides food for soil microbes. What is the best method to handle an overgrown garden?

Take a tour of this garden to see how we handle late summer growth. Appropriately managed, you can turn biomass into soil fertility, nutrients and capture carbon.

Permaculture style chop-n-drop does work to transform weedy growth into garden beds. It takes time. You can start with simple tools. However, you do it, you’ll turn atmospheric carbon into the soil.

To learn more about natural farming and other holistic methods for land management, visit and join the Prosperity Homestead newsletter. Tips and insights to help you get more from your land. Visit

It doesn’t matter how large or small your garden is; proper cover crop management is essential. In this example, the cover crop came from a natural seed bank in these old fields.

It doesn’t matter where you start, as long as you start today.

Do you want an environmental connection, ancestral skill immersion, and permaculture design? To inquire about ecological land design and nature reliance education, visit

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