12 Minutes First Play (Similar to Groundhog Day and The Edge of Tomorrow)

3 years ago

12 Minutes (Aug 19, 2021) First Play on PC with Xbox Gamepass! 12 minutes is an adventure game based on a timeloop like the movie Groundhog Day or Edge of Tomorrow taking place entirely in an apartment during just 540 seconds! Our goal is the find the perfect way to handle the police officer played by Willem Dafoe. If you played The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, the timeloop gameplay will feel similar!

Bio: 7 years sober, 80 pounds of weight lost on a whole plant based diet, 96 games live streamed, 9 years happily married, 6 years parenting 2 wonderful children, 5 years as a spiritual teacher carrying the message to gaming community, stand up comedian, and future ambassador for Earth. See my life story, the list of games I've played, and become a supporter at https://jerrybanfield.com

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Jerry Banfield in Saint Petersburg, Florida

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