Phila V. Modern Sexuality

2 years ago

Yes you are hearing it right, create a comfortable Self Pleasure Ending environment and later Legalize a Hand Release. 10 Minute Critique.

My name is Phila Vocia. I created a website that is taking a poll about legalizing a hand release inside of a massage situation.  And I wrote a book on Amazon Kindle to promote the possibility of legalizing a hand release for men and women who are over 18 years of age.  Also included here, is our GoFundMe page. 
Nonprofit wishes to Legalize a Hand Release in a Salon or Studio
Here are 5 of my supportive websites. 
My name page 
The massage and hand release anonymous vote/poll  
Amazon Kindle $2.99 More Massages Please!: Massage with a Legal Hand Release Rumble Modern Sexuality 
Feeling Generous? Note:  Hey friends! Surprise. Read all about it! Legalize a Hand Release inside of a massage situation. Make positive change for many, especially college students looking to start debates. Donate and share our cause with your network.
We can make a real impact! 
Please contact me. I would like to speak with you about this cause.  It is a timely concern for many people. 
Phila Vocia
Wellspring Relief a NJ Nonprofit Corporation

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