Leicester On Why We Refuse To Support #HODL And Prefer Taking Profits

2 years ago

FYI - Pam Anderson is one of our favorite people in the world, and probably the only person who could convince us to violate our edict, as we'd gladly #HODL her for the long term.

But the thing is - with #crypto, the devs don't care about you, the investor.

Very slim few #cryptocurrencies actually care about the investor.

They go in it either qualified or not, and when they get in, either get over head or not, or they're a downright scam; but ultimately, there are projects that have all of these random things that can disrupt your ability to "go to the moon" beyond your control or power.

We simply don't support this narrative of #HODL for the sake of it, or blind trust in the devs - because the vast majority of them get triggered when you question them (as an investor, you have a right to do so and you should expect answers), they ram forward with decisions that are clearly poor, they tank the token's price and certainly don't compensate you.

The worst recent example is Green Chart handing over the keys to your money to some duckface teen girl that likely was "involved" with the lead dev.

The point: we're seeing too many projects where they (the devs) are the real gamble; because whether they're scammers or just incompetent, it's a gamble whether you can get to that high point, and when.

Thus, we prefer to just take profits as long as we can, and move on.

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