TITANO Finance Reportedly #Rugpull - Certik Says Owner Wallet Drained Liquidity, DexTools Confirms

2 years ago

Didn't follow TITANO, so don't know.

Question is, can you sell your TITANO #Crypto?

If you can't, you've been #rugpulled. At least, that's what Certik says. And Dextools shows no liquidity left - which would definitely qualify as a rugpull.

They may make it right, but right now they're using the #ChewbaccaDefense - that the PLAY (whatever it is) was hacked (maybe it was).

Regardless...only the owner wallet (which is controlled by TITANO) can execute the functions that were executed.

So once again.

Never #YOLO.
Don't just #HODL.

Take profits.

You just. Don't. Know.

It doesn't even matter if TITANO was to blame. Bottom line - you simply can't trust.

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