Leicester Responds To Your Comments Regarding SAFUU - And Recommends A Book For Some Of You

2 years ago

Some of you get it - We talk about what we see, you make your own choice, and ideally, verify what we're saying is exactly what you also see.

Some of you don't get it - resorting to pointless responses because you want so badly to believe that this guy is serious this time after FAILING three times.

We want to help.

The first step, is admitting you have a problem, so you need to understand fallacies.

"An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments" is the perfect solution - and it's FREE!

Read now at https://bookofbadarguments.com/ - not a paid advertisement, just us trying to help.

Second, you need to understand: just because it's a scam doesn't mean you can't make money; and just because you make money, doesn't make it not a scam.

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