Watch Out for Watch the Water: Bad Theology and Confirmation Bias

2 years ago

In a recently released "documentary" an assertion is made that the Coof is actually not a virus, but snake venom released into the water supply to change our DNA into a melding of human DNA and the DNA of Satan. This is a ridiculous and childish assertion.
Worse it does not comport with Christian theology and doctrine. Bryan Ardis demonstrates a deeply flawed understanding of doctrine and biblical interpretation but of the sciences of etymology and epistemology.
I welcome push back, but if you are coming at this from the Christian perspective you need to be accurate in your assessment as it comports with Holy Writ and not just your emotional perception of what is said.
Confirmation bias is dangerous, and it hinders the cause of our fight against the despots of this world...
Bryan's recent interview:
A reasoned response to Bryan:
Sic Semper Tyrannis!

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