Leicester On ParaToken And Other Tokens Ignoring Investor Sentiment

2 years ago

None of these tokens are willing to learn from the mistakes of other tokens and we really don't understand that.

ParaToken, which is scheduled to re-launch (a second time) tomorrow, has made the unfortunate decision to constrain the supply from quadrillions down to billions.

As with KODI before and many other tokens that did this, we think it's a critical mistake.

People will see their token count go way down and they won't understand.

Fresh off of a value tanking back to original launch price, people will feel like they got ripped off, and that will harm investor sentiment.

We've seen it time and again, and we don't like seeing it here.

We tried to alert them in Telescam, but as back in January, one of their admins (Keu) started threatening bans. We were told those admins would be removed - that hasn't happened. So we're no longer confident in what we're being told.

Add to this that investors, who may only have $1-50 left of value, will also be required to spend more money in ETH because they aren't air dropping (And yes, we know, more tokens. It won't matter because the supply is lower), and we think a lot of people are going to walk.

A better answer would have been to keep the SAME inventory but do the migration, so that people's value was unchanged. At least there it doesn't feel like people are repeatedly dumping money into a failed project.

And as always, we've invited Lee to the show multiple times with no reply.

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