Dr. Tau Braun: The Doctor Who Figured Out Before Dr. Ardis !! Covid/Snake Venom Theory

2 years ago

Dr. Braun said that what has been done is to combine the snake venom with the spike protein [snake venom is a protein] on the corona virus. That it is not air born but falls on surfaces, especially where people eat [produce a lot of saliva, and in bathrooms [fecal matter exposure].

Dr. Braun is a U.S. National Counterterrorism & EMS Advisor and Trainer, Chief Scientist, CounterBioterrorism Division, BioChem Engineering, Executive Director of the Violence Prevention Agency, and Clinical Psychologist. He researched and discovered the origin of Covid 19 was snake venom, before Dr. Ardis. Find out what happened when he submitted his research to the FBI!

Please go to drtaubraun.com to find out more about Dr. Braun.

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