Awaken The Masses (UPDATED) 🔴 Timestamps in Description Area

2 years ago

Awaken The Masses (First film)

🔴 Timestamps

0.11 - Introduction
0.35 - Australia 5-11 V... rollout
2.05 - New Zealand ACC Specialist speaks out
2.30 - News items "unscientific mandates"
3.09 - MRNA scientist speaks out
3.14 - V... death statistics
3.50 - Dr Ryan Cole warning
5.00 - New study reveals "catastrophic harms"
5.16 - Pf... CEO admits "very limited protection if any"
5.57 - "V... causes miscarriages"
6.22 - Doctors/Scientists warn - "We're fighting against Big Pharma"
6.40 - Topher Field weighs in
7.16 - "How about ABORTED FETUS cells"
7.33 - Pf... Whistle Blower - "FETAL TISSUE has been used" (UNINFORMED CONSENT)
8.36 - Fauci - ".. actually made people worse .. "
8.46 - Casey Hodgkinson - "You (Ardern) have a lot to answer to."
9.10 - "They are lawless .."
10.08 - Joe Rogan exposes Ardern
10.24 - "Because of her (Ardern's) mandates SUICIDE rates have skyrocketed"
10.34 - "Worldwide epidemic of suicide in children"
10.50 - Student speaks out - "Suicide rates are through the roof"
11.15 - News item - "Suicide increases"
11.44 - People are dying because of what this (Labour) Government is doing" - Govt MP Simon O' Connor
11.55 - GBN report "NZ spiraling out of control"
13.14 - Australia News - "The absolutely pathetic gutless NZ Media"
13.52 - "What lengths?"
14.02 - "MSM have a lot to answer for" - Alex Cooney, EX Police Senior Constable
14.34 - "Be on the right side of history"
15.21 - Warning
15.49 - Dr Vernon Coleman speaks out
17.13 - News Report "V... deaths"
17.38 - Kim Iversen - "Crimes against humanity"
17.58 - Parents speak out ..
18.12 - Doctors/Scientists speak out - "They are killing us with censorship"
18.27 - "Censorship"
18.52 - Dr Michael Yeadon, Former Pfizer Vice President - "It's the most treatable respiratory illness ever. This idea that there is no treatment is an utter lie."
19.01 - Surgeon speaks out - "Natural immunity is what's paramount and why are we not talking about this?"
19.50 - "What would promote V... hesitancy?
20.00 - "Half a million of excess deaths have happened in the US due to the intentional blockade of early treatment .. a combination of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin"
21.00 - "Not a lot of money in alternative treatments"
21.22 - Lynda Wharton - The NZ Health Forum - "Ask yourself why are Doctors and Scientists rejecting this V..."
21.54 - Nurse speaks out - "Big Pharma owns the media"
22.22 - Medical experts speak out
22.33 - Lynda Wharton - The NZ Health Forum - "Safe and effective?"
25.18 - "Absolute Risk Reduction" > 0.84% NOT 95% (less than 1%)
26.57 - Doctor exposes CNN/Sanja Gupta - "No good doctor would do that. Did he tell the children and the parents that there's FDA warnings (Food And Drug Administration) that the V... can cause heart inflammation?"
27.40 - Joe Rogan exposes CNN - Sanja Gupta - "Ivermectin can be a very effective medication"
29.35 - Social Credit System
31.08 - "Pf... is one of the most criminal pharmaceutical organizations in the world bribing physicians .."
31.21 - Peter Daszac (Chief for Anthony Fauci) - "What did he (Daszac) say?"
33.05 - "Did you know the Government co-owns the V...?"
33.55 - "Pf... - $35 Billion in penalties for falsifying science ETC"
34.57 - "What's killing people now is V... injury, blood clots ETC"
35.24 - Undertaker Funeral Director speaks out
37.49 - E.R. Doctor - "I am blowing the whistle"
38.29 - Dr Peter McCollough - "You can SEE what gets seeded in the autopsies of freshly V.... people "
38.57 - V... injured Airline Pilot speaks out
40.12 - "They know about the injuries to children. They know about the suicides. They know about the scientific censorship .."
40.32 - "What the media doesn't understand .."
41.19 - "The virus can still get in your eyes"
41.42 - Professional painter destroys efficacy of face masks
42.26 - "It is clear the risks of the V... is far greater than the risks of the virus"
42.56 - V...injured person speaks out
43.19 - Dr Alana Ratna - "NZ Medical Council has blood on their hands"
44.37 - "damage done to children way beyond myocarditis"
45.31 - RFK - "This is the hill we need to die on"
45.48 - Investigative Journalist - "Please parents do more research"
46.04 - RFK - "This is an ethical issue .. a moral issue .. an issue of the preservation of democracy .."
46.39 - "A tyrannical regime of mass surveillance and control"
48.27 - "The next thing - Social Credit System .. WAKE UP FOLKS!"
48.38 - Attorney Thomas Renz - "I'm representing a number of whistle blowers in the military. This is a war on corruption."
52.57 - Outtro
54.07 - "We are creating our legacy"


Download &/or watch AWAKEN THE MASSES 2 - the '3 Year Anniversary Special Edition'.

Improvements to visuals and audio have been made + new footage composited to help tell the story in greater detail of the events leading up to March 2nd 2022 - a historic day in New Zealand watched across the world. I am thankful that I was there to witness firsthand what it was really like, thus the weight of responsibility was felt deeply throughout the making of this film. Please consider sharing with friends and family if at all the story moves you. Thank you. 🙂

➥ 1080p viewing recommended ✔️

🔥 FHD 1080p Download -

📽 Film also available here -

Music - G1adman
Music - Coral
Music - Scott Buckley
Under Creative Commons (CC-BY 4.0) license
#wellingtonnewzealandprotest #mandate #freedomofspeech #soverignty #TYRANNY #billofrights #Corruption #freedom

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