Hitler had similar people who belived in system and did ONLY their work - you know how it finished

2 years ago


I, the undersigned, living natural human being © son of my parents :) , as a Living Natural Human Being, I declare and hereby confirm, what I have already confirmed, acting on the basis of inalienable natural right – Ius Naturale, which description is clear: Do not hurt anyone and do not let anyone to hurt others or yourself. The natural right – Ius Naturale guarantees: The right to life, the right to property, personal freedom, the prohibition of torture, the right to the fruits of one’s work, freedom from slavery, i.e. the right to self-determination and self-possession.

I inform, declare, state that:

1. I am living natural human being – no person, no citizen and therefore I am not under the jurisdiction of any state, any government and their so-called state authorities, which are registered as private commercial companies and have absolutely no rights to living natural human being from flesh and blood.
2. I have never given up my inalienable natural rights, which are protected among others by Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which has been ratified by the United Nations General Assembly 10th of December 1948, resolution 217A, and the country we are currently in has also ratified this declaration. Article 30 of this declaration says, that the law of any state must not act against the rights and freedoms in this declaration.
3. According to Uniform Commercial Code 1-308 I reserve all my rights and do not consent to any offer or to any invitation to make a contract without prejudice. I underline once again, I am no person – I am living natural human being.
4. As a living natural human being I am the only beneficiary of legal fiction, called a person, the main administrator of her personal data and paid representative – 1.000.000 € per hour.
5. Each one-time use of my personal data, including copying and processing by companies, institutions and natural persons – requires the written consent of the creators and the owner – see point 4.
6. Under oath, that I, living natural human being, born on one day in the past:), I am alive and since my birthday at no point in time I was not, and I am not lost on the high seas.

I firmly do not agree on:
- the threat of coercion including direct
- the disturbance in freedom of movement

I warn, that:
The finacial penalty for the assistant or worker of the company committing the crime and for the head of the company committing the crime – each individual case – is:
• For human rights abuse and violation of human dignity – among others above mentioned – 10.000.000 €
• For use of personal data without demonstrated consent or authorization – 1.500.000 €
• For coercion into a contract and tricky signature extraction – 5.000.000 €

(red colour and small letter) natural human being ©

Me, my name and surname is exactly the same commercial company as goverment, police, HMRC and those here....therefore I reserve all my rights according to UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE as below:

This is Private Property - Not Negotiable - Without Prejudice U.C.C. 1-308: 3-402 UNDER RESERVE WITH COPY-CLAIM Not for Hire, Not for Rent without Consent and Oath of Fidelity. By natural human being © CREDITOR

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