April 17, 2022

2 years ago

Lesson begins around 35:00.

Has anyone ever paid for your lunch?

What does it say to us when a man dies for his faith? Jesus Christ and all of his disciples except one all died for their faith.

What sets Jesus apart is that He died to take away the sins of the world. His disciples professed this truth. They believed in this so much that they all laid down their lives to profess it. They were persecuted unto death!

Does this grab your attention? Is there anything you believe in so much that you would lay down your life? Is there anyone you love so much that you would lay down your life?

Jesus Christ, God with us, could have called legions of angels to fight on His behalf. Yet He was obedient to God the Father because the price of sin is death. The price for all humanity could only be paid through the death of a perfect, sinless man, Jesus. Jesus paid our lunch, our sin.


#HeIsRisen #Resurrection #Jesus #sin #forgiveness #mercy #Church #crucifixion

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