Ways I help the environment.

2 years ago

Here are just a couple ways that I help when it comes to the environment. While putting plastic over my windows does stop the natural light from coming in our windows leak so bad. That if I did not do this we would have to run our heaters more when it's cold and our AC more when it's hot. I talk about reusing items and not just throwing things away to help keep stuff out of landfills. I also talk about ways to help with the whole B.S. climate change stuff. There are numerous ways to help. I always try and reuse and reduce and recycle whenever possible, and I'm not a climate nut with a one track mind. The one thing that I forgot that I told the activist in the debate with them in the comments a couple videos back. Was more subways or electric trains in cities, and I thought about the gas scooters as a after thought. There are several ways to help if people would just do it. Once again I'm Not a eco NUT. I'm just someone that wants our kids and grand kids to have to not clean up our messes.

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