How to Stop the Annoying Hiccups in 30 Seconds or Less

2 years ago

Hiccups are one of the most bothersome reflexes of the human body. It happens when the diaphragm contracts fast and involuntarily.

There are some simple actions to interrupt a hiccup. They stimulate the nerves and muscles in the thorax, helping stabilize the situation.

Hiccups are usually caused by: eating too fast or too much; eating heavily seasoned or spicy foods; drinking too fast; having abdominal/gastric distension; drinking carbonated beverages; abuse of alcoholic beverages; being anxious, nervous, or stressed; throat or stomach irritation, or the beginning of a pneumonia case.

In most cases, the hiccups last only a few minutes, but sometimes they can last for days or even weeks.

Let's see now some tricks to stop your hiccups fast or immediately!

Try this 30-seconds technique and share your experience with us.

#hiccups #homeremedies #naturalcures



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