Banks to Seize Your Money and Limit How Much You Can SAVE!

2 years ago

Meet President Biden's Choice for Office of Comptroller of Currency.. Add me on insta @thisisjohnwilliams

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Banking has been consistent in America for nearly 100 years and things did not change that much with the exception of Digital payments via credit cards and online payment processors. Then came cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and thousands of other cryptocurrencies. However with this change is coming the new Digital Dollar and this Digital Dollar will have no relationship or similarities as the current Dollar that we hold.

President Biden chose Saule Omarova to hold the position of Office of Comptroller of currency which would oversee the major banks and at the time she called for the "end of banking".

She since, stepped down and withdrew from this position and now Michael Barr is heading us into a new way of banking and a new way of finance. This as a whole is very concerning given how dependent and fragile hundreds of millions of Americans are on a day to day basis given inflation and our economy.

The Hill Magazine said that this new digital dollar and in this video I will cover what they say the next steps are and I believe that Michael Barr will bring clear guidance towards what Biden intends to achieve here.

What are your thoughts on the digital dollar and the new direction that America is taking? How will America's economy hold up compared to other countries around the world? We know that many countries around the world are also bringing in their own digital currencies and many of them already have them in place.

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