2 years ago

American Easter is very different. The main meal is not lunch, but Sunday dinner. And the typical food is not cod, but a roast ham with a sweet taste.
...easter cock and chicken with easter-eggs image by Maria Brzostowska from Fotolia.com
Easter Sunday is a Christian holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Christ and is typically celebrated near the beginning of spring season. While there are many Easter traditions such as Easter egg hunts and the Easter bunny, there are also many foods that have become staples of the Easter dinner.Easter Eggs:
Easter eggs are a traditional food and a traditional craft project on Easter Sunday. Families often spend the night before Easter decorating and dying hard boiled eggs in preparation for an Easter Sunday egg hunt. Once the hunt has commenced and the eggs collected, a popular Easter Sunday snack is to peel and eat the collected Easter eggs. These eggs can serve as an appetizer for a big Easter dinner or as a compliment to the Easter breakfast.

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