Minnie Pearl is HURT! Is it SERIOUS this time?

3 years ago

Our goat kid Minnie Pearl is back at the veterinarian with yet another ailment. What happened this time? Is it serious?

★ Dairy Goats: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiBilDABA650oM728fQNRnnKVmw0od3hd

This little girl has had more issues than any of our other goats to this point. She was the runt of four goat kids born to Violet in the spring of 2021. There are concerns associated with that and you always worry if they’ll pull through, but Minnie Pearl is a fighter and is now about 5 months old. After she was disbudded she came down with pneumonia but Megan caught it in time and was able to get it treated. But the other day she came up lame with some minor swelling in one of her front legs, and when it worsened over the next couple of days we knew it was time to make another trip to the vet.

After an X-ray the veterinarian determined that Pearl actually had a small break in her leg. We aren’t sure exactly what caused it, but it will heal on its own in time! So Pearl will be isolated from the rest of the herd (with her sister Calamity Jane for company) for a little while until she’s all healed up.

Thanks for watching this video! If you haven’t already, please consider subscribing to the channel so you won’t miss the next video. There’s plenty more goat content coming down the trail with fall breeding season fast approaching. See y’all soon!
Subscribe to our channel! We have a small farm in Western Kentucky where we’re raising our family and a handful of critters. Come grow with us.

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