99.36% Of ALL Ballot Batches In Maricopa, AZ Were Modified

2 years ago

Findings that have been ignored and suppressed by the Arizona State Senate and the Attorney General are now being disseminated far and wide by Jovan Hutton Pulitzer in an effort to overcome the suppression. What has been exposed over the last year and a half is conclusive and damning - it will not be buried and it will not go away.

JHP - Locals: https://jovanhuttonpulitzer.locals.com

The State Senate cannot be allowed to balk at their responsibility to the people of Arizona and to the United States, they MUST decertify.

Contact and pressure Karen Fann, Paul Boyer, and any other RINO standing in the way of the resolution to decertify put forward by Mark Finchem and sponsored by Wendy Rogers.


Attorney General Mark Brnovich cannot be allowed to balk at his responsibility to the people of Arizona and to the United States, he MUST uphold the law and he MUST prosecute and if he doesn't... we cannot afford for him to become a Senator representing our interests.


Blake Masters is a viable GOP competitor for the Senate seat; I suggest supporting him until or unless AG Mark Brnovich takes action regarding crimes committed in AZ's 2020 election.


Mark Brnovich wants to become a Senator of the United States while ignoring the will of his constituents. Show him that's not how it works; promote his competition in the Senate race, share the findings he refuses to act on, make it clear to voters what he has and what he's ignoring. Help us to make him realize he will either take action, make arrests, and begin prosecutions or he will have zero support for his Senatorial aspirations and scores of GOP voters opposing him.

There's no in between, no more slow walking.

#BurnBrnovich until or unless he takes ACTION!

Minds: https://www.minds.com/JackSutter
Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/jacksutter
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JackSutter
Gab: https://gab.com/JackSutter
MeWe: https://mewe.com/i/jacksutter1
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Q0Lt2mbc9TkL

Modern Republican: https://mdrnrepublican.com

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