Those who keep Easter are not Christians but followers of Satan!!

2 years ago

Everyone who keeps Easter are not Christians but fake phony wicked followers of Satan and worship Ishtar a pagan moon goddess that was around when nimrod was in ancient Babylon, nimrod son of cush was a powerful man in ancient iraq and he said I am a god and will build a tower to get to heaven so he did and he married his mother semeranias and said she is a goddess called Ishtar!! ISIS in Egypt, asoterh in Assyrian, Venus in Roman, nimrod died and semerias moarned for him and said he is a god and called him Tammuz and weeped for him on good Friday! On Ishtar the pagans rose up at sunrise to welcome the queen of heaven Ishtar, they killed the babies on the alter to Ishtar and used their blood to dye eggs!! They ate ham, had egg hunts, to honor Ishtar the pagan moon goddess of sex!! Easter is very wicked and those who keep this day are worshipping Ishtar goddess of sex from ancient Babylon!! You are worshipping Satan!! When you get up at sunrise you are worshipping the queen of heaven! Palm Sunday is when Tammuz entered the starts in ancient Babylon cult worship! Nimrod was called the sun God and the Egyptian worshiped ra which was Tammuz!! The wicked Catholic whore came around and got rid of Passover, the calendar the early church used and made their own calendar! They said no Jesus died on Friday and rose on Sunday and killed anyone who spoke against it! They also persercuted the Jews and forbid them from keeping Passover or the Sabbath and killed them or they convert to the Catholic whore church! The Catholic Church made up good Friday, lent, Ash Wednesday and demanded everyone keep the days or would all be killed! The Bible was forbidden to it was off limits to people, Jesus died on Wednesday and rose on Saturday not on Friday and rose on Sunday! The early church kept Passover not Easter and they all suffered for their faith! Churches are still persercuting people today! Sorry pastor we had to remove you , you preached from the Bible and offended us so you are not our pastor anymore, sorry you can't come here you are abused and offend us, sorry you are wrong God wants us to keep Xmas! Lent! Good Friday! Easter! You are wrong and it is not pagan! You have tattoos and we do not want you in this church at all it is a sin!! We want you to be a member of the church not to God!! Churches are Satan way of getting people to not follow God, keep His feast days, Jesus is very very angry with the lukewarm phony fake so called Christians who play church so well and are keeping pagan holidays!! God told the Jews out of Egypt you will not follow after other nations pagan idols and ritual that worship Tammuz, Ishtar, Baal, sacrifice their children to Molech for I the Lord will turn My face from you if you go after their pagan rituals and custom's and will cut you off from Me!! Jesus is not playing games at all! God says I hate your feast days! Your women weeping for Tammuz! Making hot cross buns for the queen of heaven, rising up at sunrise to great the queen of heaven Ishtar such people anger Me a lot!! You must repent of your wicked pagan practices or you all will see God as your Judge and He will not be nice at all!! But will say I said you shall not worship any other gods!! But but God Easter was fun everyone did it!! You shall not have any other gods before Me! No no we worshiped you! Why do you say you know Me but I don't know you? Depart from Me you workers of inquinity for I never knew you!! The 7 year tribulation is about to begin and all the dead church people will all be left behind as God saying wake up now !! This is your final chance to accept Me in the tribulation or spend forever in the lake of fire with Satan and everyone who rejected Me! You are either on Jesus or Satan side in the tribulation period! No middle ground at all

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