Volbeat Hallelujah Goat Drum Cover

2 years ago

I do not own this song, this is for entertainment purposes only,

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Let’s crush this fundraiser for a good friend of mine and let’s surprise him with this phenomenal upgrade! Give $5 and share it!


@volbeat @pearl_drums @pdpdrumsusa @gibraltarhardware @evansdrumheads @sabiancymbals @meinlcymbals @goveeofficial @morphsuits @gopro
@wearefocusrite @shure @sweetwatersound

#pearldrums #sabiancymbals #meinlcymbals #pdpdrums #evansdrumheads #govee #gibraltarhardware #drummer #drummersofinstagram #drummerslife #drumcover #gopro #goprohero8 #goprohero7 #goprohero10 #morphsuit #blueblackandtan #aheadproducts
#digitalrefference #wearefocusrite #shure

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