Red Pills-Are You Awake?

2 years ago

How bad is this world? Do you think it is good when the government gives free stuff away? What environment does cancer thrive in? Are wearing face masks good for you in this plandemic? Are mushrooms healthy for you to eat? Are Vaccinations beneficial for your health? Was the number one ingredient to a healthy immune system? What is on Anthony Weiner's laptop? What happens to crushed garlic before you eat it? What vaccine is Trump promoting? Using robots to explore nature? What would be a natural pain killer? Are you surviving the greatest psychological warfare in human history? Would you take Nature's flu shot? Will you take any vaccine? What is up with the numbers 3 6 9? Is the jab safe? Do you take a shower with a mask on? Who gets off a unmarked jet? Are we ruled by sexual predators? - Red Pill Warrior

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