How Did Ted Nicholas Get Copywriting Clients?

3 years ago

Are you struggling to get copywriting clients? Do you struggle to attract new assignments? There are simple ways to find and attract paying copywriting clients.

Some of the best ways to get copyrighted clients have been around for centuries. These practical methods are often ignored because they seem so simple.

In today's podcast, we're gonna talk about how Ted Nicholas acquires copywriting clients. You can use these methods to build up your own copywriting business or marketing agency. These methods build up demand for your services.

Ted Nicholas is a famous copywriter who started in the Fudge business and has written hundreds of millions of dollars worth of copywriting over the years. He got clients by speaking, selling intellectual property (information products), and a paid newsletter as a copywriter.

These methods leverage his ability to reach larger audiences and have materials qualify prospects. Someone who purchases his program "Million Dollar Copywriting Bootcamp" sees examples of his writing while learning what to look for in a copywriter.

Here's a celebration of Ted Nicholas on his website now being managed by his son.

Any investment in Ted Nicholas' materials is worth your time, mainly if you write business-to-business.

If you're looking to improve your copywriting business, then there is only one newsletter to join. That newsletter is AdBriefing Copywriting Tips, available at

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