FAUCI SUMMARY VIDEO 35 = Chapter 10, Part E

2 years ago

Isn’t it awesome we have the CIA, the World Health Organization, and Bill Gates all worrying about sterilizing people so that we aren’t able to make babies?

BOOK, Page 339, “In the years 1993 and 1994, WHO launched antifertility vaccination campaigns in Nicaragua, Mexico, the Philippines, and Kenya in 1995. In each country, WHO and local government clinicians vaccinated women of childbearing age, telling them that the purpose of the WHO immunizations was to “eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus”.”

Dear God, watch out for the tetanus shot… or maybe we should worry about ALL of the shots?

These lying sacks of …

On to Polio. Polio has been pretty much eradicated for a period of time, that may actually be because of improvements in health versus vaccinations, but we will leave that for another TikTok. The few negligible cases have not been a concern for society, but Bill Gates will NOT BE STOPPED from carpet bombing third world countries with vaccines to prevent something that no longer is a threat.

BOOK, Page 341, “Under his [Gates’s] control, the NAM mandated an astonishing barrage of fifty polio vaccines (up from five) for each child in several key Indian provinces before they reached the age of five.”

This is pure insanity.

Instead of eliminating polio, which was already eliminated, a vaccine-derived poliovirus which mutated from the oral vaccine came to create an epidemic of acute flaccid myelitis - otherwise knowns as POLIO - which paralyzed 491,000 children in these Indian provinces from 2000 to 2017. This was in direct proportion to the amount of polio vaccines administered in each area. THE VACCINE CAUSE THE VIRUS - THE VACCINE CAUSED THE SICKNESS.

On to the HPV Vaccine

Cervical cancer affects on average 1 in 40,000 women around age 58 - and death is usually preventable with early detection. However, the Gates Foundation is hell bent on creating and administering a vaccine to “protect” women from this with a sketchy vaccine administered to young girls.

These trustworthy companies that had to recover from a $7 billion lawsuit from criminal charges saying that these pharmaceutical companies knowingly killed between 100,000 and 500,000 Americans with a pain pill, they nicknamed their new shoddily tested HPV Vaccine “Help Pay for Vioxx”.

As you can imagine, the “tests” of these vaccines on young girls proved that they were unsafe AND ineffective. There are suspicions that Gates is weaponizing HPV vaccines like Gardasil and Cervarix against human fertility. There has been a precipitous drop in fertility since 2006, which corresponds to the uptake of vaccines.

More in the next installment!

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