What Finally Worked?

2 years ago

The ninth episode of Aletheia Quest with Alan Fahrner is “What Finally Worked?," where we find out the truth about the only cure for our spiritual disease.

This week is the third of a four part series:

1. What Went Wrong?
2. What Was Tried?
3. What Finally Worked?
4. What Now?

In order to understand how we should handle our spiritual malaise, we first spent time investigating what really went wrong…and discovered that it was not our original parents failing some test they were given with an arbitrary rule. Instead, it was a breakdown of trust, our trust of God.

Then, last week, we looked at all the treatments that didn’t work. That will keep us from acting like a popular definition of insanity: “doing the same thing over-and-over and expecting a different outcome.”

This week is “What Finally Worked?,” where we focus on the one-and-only effective treatment for our spiritual disease. Unintentionally, but serendipitously, this episode is premiering on Easter. That probably gives you a clue about “What Finally Worked.” :-)

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