Remembering the Lives of MK-Ultra'd and MILAB'd "Uncharted Poster Children" on World Autism Day

2 years ago

Today is a day of remembering the horrors that were put on me by psychotronic warfare. Because it is world autism day. I was programmed in my childhood to become a sort of poster child after a Zeta activated an implant inside my upper back in my sleep. and this caused me to become MK-Ultra'd in developing a sort of artificial autistic state.

I have fought so many years trying to untangle the residue that those two years of psychotic torment have lasted upon my younger self. It is no surprise that with a spiritual awakening protocol as fast as it was, I was able to be shaken awake by a certain individual who opened my eyes, who told me this was all fake when I was 16 or 17.

I have spent years researching the core of this mysterious condition. In my book, Uncharted Poster Children, I have exposed the truth about that is artificial versus what is organic and real about this condition we call Autism.
I have a distinct feeling that my misdiagnoses revolve around my world as an inevitable large poster constantly floating around my head.

Autism has really affected my life in many ways, by its surrounding constant presence, as well as the utter and total social and academic segregation into a community of people with the condition, without me even having the real condition because of these negative extraterrestrials and their brain-tapping technology. Also, my own brother is autistic and a nonspeaker.

Trust your gut feeling. Trust your gut instinct. Don't fall into the claws of the machine that rewires and hijacks your brain.

This is why I do not celebrate world autism day, it is a trigger reminding me of the horrors that the Zetas had put me through remotely and made me suffer. Each day I put my attention on this artificialized condition because it was such a core part of my trauma. They could have emulated something else, but they chose this syndromic expression.

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