Leupold Mark 3HD 8-24x50

2 years ago

Review of Leupold Mark 3HD 8-24X50 P5 TMR rifle scope.

*NOTE: This review was originally rejected by YouTube for reasons that don't make any sense. Their 'human reviewer' tagged it as Gun Modification.

Read the full review on my blog: https://moondogindustries.com/leupold-mark3hd-8-24x50
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00:00 Intro
00:43 First Impressions
02:46 Disclaimers
04:43 Range Tests
09:39 Insights

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YouTube Music Library
TweetTomTom by P. Del Castillo used with permission

Edited on Apple Final Cut Pro X
Shot on Panasonic G85 and Samsung S7 and S21+
This video is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All demonstrations were filmed in a safe and legally regulated location. Do not try this at home without proper supervision. Portions of this video may have been filmed in a Law Enforcement shooting range supervised by a certified Range Safety Officer.

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