The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance

2 years ago

My guest today is simply brilliant. I have the privilege of chatting with Ralph Bayrer, Navy veteran and author of multiple books; among them, “Eternal Vigilance: Guarding Against the Predatory State” and “Liberty, Science, and Wealth: The Evolution to Modern Society.”

Topics discussed in this episode include:

• Many Americans look at what’s happening in our nation right now and there is concern that we’re losing freedoms or certain liberties are at risk. Why was this issue so important to you that you actually wrote a book about it?

• Based on the topics discussed in your books, it is obvious that you feel that the gov’t is intrusive, how do you think this is putting our freedom’s at risk?

• In your book you mention “central argument is that man’s discovery of ways to successfully cooperate with his fellow man on community, national and global scales in the face of ubiquitous predatory instincts is his greatest achievement and foundation for all advanced civilizations.” Do you think that we are losing the ability to successfully cooperate in America?

• You also mention in your book that other countries have had to deal with the negative facts of human nature have succeeded and provided lessons for us going forward – can you talk about some of the lessons they have given us?

• You talk about predation in government, can you explain what you mean by this and how it aligns with what is occurring today?

• Based on the deviant behavior displayed by many in politics, do you think that America is heading towards to a dictatorship type of society?

• Tell us what you’ve seen the gov’t do to fix our economy in the past? As a result what are we seeing/experiencing today? Do you think they are overstepping their bounds based on the US Constitution?

For more information on Ralph Bayrer, contact him via his website:



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