Elon Knows the plan he was written into a 1952 Novel what hes doing is no accident

2 years ago

Elon Knows the plan he was written into a 1952 Novel what hes doing is no accident - now hes going after Twitter However, the board of directors at Twitter have reacted heavily to dissuade Mr Musk from taking the company into private ownership.

The globally used platform has decided to adopt what is known as a "limited-duration shareholder rights plan", also referred to as a "poison pill”.

Such a move will see block all shareholders from being able to control more than 15 percent of the company.

Twitter said the move aims to enable its investors to "realise the full value of their investment" by reducing the likelihood any one person can gain control of the company without either paying shareholders a premium or giving the board more time. Whilst acquiring his initial 9.2 percent stake in the company, Mr Musk said he believes Twitter is limiting freedom of speech on the platform.

The Tesla CEO reiterated this again in recent days at an event in Vancouver. CHESSBOARDS

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