LOTS to do Before the Baby’s HERE

3 years ago

It’s crunch time! Our new baby boy will be here any day now and we have to get a few more things prepped on the farm to make things go a little more smoothly when we head to the hospital.

The first thing we wanted to tackle was to build Virgil, our livestock guarding dog, a bed in his carport doghouse. Megan picked out a pallet that required almost no modification. After a few screws Virgil’s all squared away and if we get some rain he has a nice dry place to lay down.

The next item on the agenda was to repair the rear door latches on my Ford truck. The rear latches failed on both rear doors some time ago and I finally got around to repairing them. It took some figurin’ but I finally got the driver-side rear door working. I ran out of time to finish this job today but I may do a dedicated video for the other side when I get around to fixing it.

In closing I moved a couple extra bales of hay to the barn to keep all the goats topped off since they’ll be stalled up for a few days. These goats are running us ragged but that, too, is a video all for itself.

We’ll share more about our kiddo in the next couple weeks – most likely after the Thanksgiving holiday when his family has had a chance to meet him. We greatly appreciate your prayers, and we thank you for watching our little YouTube channel. See y’all soon!
Subscribe to our channel!  We have a small farm in Western Kentucky where we’re raising our family and a handful of critters.  Come grow with us.

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