#movietrailers #WhereIsAnneFrank The Narrative 2022 Where Is Anne Frank (2021) Official Trailer

2 years ago

Waltz with Bashir, Golden Globe Award winner & Academy Award® nominated director, #AriFolman returns with his new animated family film #WhereIsAnneFrank, an adaptation of Anne Frank’s internationally-loved classic The Diary of a Young Girl.

Kitty, the imaginary girl to whom Anne Frank wrote her famous diary, comes to life in the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. Her memories reawakened by reading the diary, believing that if she's alive, Anne must be alive as well, she sets out on a quest to find Anne. We follow Kitty as she travels across Europe and back to Anne Frank’s time, armed with the precious book, in search of her beloved friend…

Artists, Comic Book Creator, Writer, Pop Culture Convention Director
I also run my own comic book studio, Plunge Studios NZ, here in beautiful Whangarei, New Zealand with a couple friends.

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