Tim Redmond | Did You Know That Clay Clark Actually Mentored Tim Redmond & Taught Him How to Become a Business Growth Coach? | "I've Doubled My Business Every Year I've Worked w/ Clay Clark"

2 years ago

Tim Redmond | Did You Know That Clay Clark Actually Mentored Tim Redmond & Taught Him How to Become a Business Growth Coach? | "I've Doubled My Business Every Year I've Worked w/ Clay Clark"

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Learn More About Clay Clark’s Proven Business Growth Strategies, Systems and Tools At: www.ThrivetimeShow.com

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Tim Redmond shares how grew a company from 2 employees to 350 employees and the art of creating a scalable sales system and how Clay Clark and Tim Redmond have worked together to double the size of Redmond Growth every year.

Show Notes – https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mZUpFwRAVDR46wOahKcNC5HhSeDpSXA-BJgxJOdOxjM/edit?usp=sharing

Book recommendations:

The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes – https://www.amazon.com/Ultimate-Sales-Machine-byHolmes/dp/B006DKN4IQ/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=the+ultimate+sales+machine+chet+holmes&qid=1581254664&s=audible&sr=1-3-catcorr

High Trust Selling by Todd Duncan – https://www.amazon.com/High-Trust-Selling-Money-Stress/dp/B0002QU5D4/ref=sr_1_2?crid=4EVIMCN8F6N8&keywords=high+trust+selling+todd+duncan&qid=1581254612&sprefix=high+trust%2Caps%2C167&sr=8-2

When I was 19 years old I first got hired to work for the company that you helped to grow from 2 people to over 350 people…I’d love if you could share with our listeners what the company was and how you guys started it?
How did you get your first 10 customers?
When did you start to gain and really feel like you were gaining traction?
What was the most challenging aspect of growing tax and accounting software?
Why did you guys decide to sell the company to Tax and Accounting Software?
After you guys sold the business, what did you do next professionally speaking?
I would love you to share how we first got reconnected?
How long have you and I worked together at this point?
What kind of impact do you feel like that our relationship has had on your growth?
How many clients do you have at this point?
What would you attribute your rapid growth to?
What kinds of systems have you implemented as a business since we started working together again?
What is the vision for Redmond Growth for the next 3 years?
How would you describe our relationship to our listeners?
I had the opportunity to mentor your son Robert…why did you decide to have me work with him?
What is his role with Redmond Growth today?
Why are you passionate about growing Redmond Growth?

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