Ulcerative Colitis Ayurvedic Treatment & Diet | Patients Review

2 years ago

Ulcerative colitis is inflammatory disease of large intestine (colon). In this disease the colon become inflamed and small ulcers develops over the lining of large intestine. According to modern medicines, it is an auto immune disease and has no cure. One has to take lifelong medications but still it may be hard to manage. Stress and improper diet is the main cause of ulcerative colitis. Generally reduction of weight, mucus in stool, stool with bleeding, loss of appetite, etc. are the symptoms in ulcerative colitis According to Ayurveda, this disease is correlated with Raktpittatisara. This disease is caused due to predominance of pitta as well as for some instance Vata also. Ayurveda has very good treatment of Ulcerative colitis and at Planet Ayurveda we successfully treated numerous patients with pure herbal medications.

Know more:- https://www.planetayurveda.com/librar...

Ulcerative Colitis Testimonials Playlist :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt7SE...


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