Rubbins drama threatens to "KEEP PEOPLE" and threats various streamers says his real name and then blames others ( he says keep sharing the videos so I did)

2 years ago

Delusional clown show uses his twitch channel to attack, lie and threaten others. Bad hair doesn't save it. Nubbinsaintnubbins really needs to stop harassing, doxxing and threatening people as thats why this is being recorded. pure entertainment only like he says. He uses twitch to attack others as he has been doing to several of us since the last summer. Lacks material so badly all he has is that a mud hole, a goat, and he can't stream good stuff as decent streamers block this "TWITCH CARNEY". All he needs is the missing teeth, like some of his pals. cue the skinnard and his widows peak will go higher and have to retool his mohawk. maybe work on your mohawk and more productive things in life?

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