Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Introduction with Day By Day Devotional Demonstration

3 years ago

I will give a quick Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Introduction in this video follow by a demonstration of the using the Day by Day Devotional that you would use when doing the emotional healthy spirituality course. I will give you a run down of all the basics for EHD and we will go through my favorite daily devotional today. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Day by Day is the best devotional I own. It will start and end with a minute or two of silence. This will be the contemplative part of EHD that is the most important element in the course. The new term for EHS is Emotionally Healthy Discipleship or EHD. This is now being used by all the Pastors at Hillsong church. Pete Scazzero founded EHD which i feel is the greatest message in all of church history.

Link to Emotionally Healthy Discipleship website:

Buy the Day by Dad Devotional:

Joshua Simone from Torn Curtain in Emotionally Healthy Relationships DVD with Geri Scazzero:

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Looking for the best christian youtube channels or a christian youtubers then Look no further. Torn Curtain is a Christian Youtube channel. Let me tell you a little bit about myself if your interested. Josh has a degree in Applied Psychology from NYU and went to seminary at Bethel University and ORU University. Josh spent several years in full time ministry youth & college ministry. He also helped plant a large church in Long Island NY which is no one of the fastest growing churches in America. For the last decade I have attended and been a deacon at New Life Fellowship Church in NYC home of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship which is in 800 churches and 30 nations started by Peter Scazzero. I worked under Pete teaching the course and getting mentorship from him. Josh also led living waters and cross current at the church which is a program for the sexual broken and the LBGTQ community. Josh also helped lead on the Inner Healing and Deliverance Team. Josh is now a student at Orbis School of Ministry run by Ken Fish. Josh is in the process of building Torn Curtain ministry to bring revival, renewal, and reformation to the church. I would also like to start a 24/7 house of prayer in NYC with a church. You can also consider this a bible study youtube channel.

Contact me at josh@torncurtain.org
#emotionallyhealthyspirtuality #emotionallyhealthydiscipleship #emotionallyhealthyspirtualitycourse

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