The Book of the Law w/ Magickal and Philosophical Commentaries, pt 2: Every Number is Infinite.

2 years ago

(Warning: this video contains some of the most powerful and clear elucidations of occult secrets ever unleashed by the Beast, or anyone else for that matter. It is also at times hideously tedious and verbose. You have been warned...)

Aleister Crowley' s bizarre and controversial little red book, Liber Al Legis, or, The Book of the Law, stands as one of the most interesting esoteric works of all time. Supposedly channeled by
Aleister's own Holy Guardian Angel, "Aiwass," the "solar-phallic Lucifer," acting as a minister for Haar-par-kraat, twin god of silence, with the assistance of his new wife Rose...well, lets save all of that for the livestream.
The real value of this book (aside from being the only purported prophetical writing to be acknowledged by professional sceptics as "interesting, but not conclusive,") is its message of Universal Divinity, the conterminous nature of Deity, the sovereignty of individual Will, and the dawning of a new Golden Age of mankind....After a bit of trouble. Which, it seems, we are currently immersed in. I said the book was prophetical, didn't I?
The revelations and insights given by the book, especially when paired with any one of Crowley's commentaries, are unparalleled, and the poetic prose of the book is at times a wonder of dazzling literary pyrotechnics, ablaze with L.V.X.
The book is bizarre and nearly incomprehensible at times as well, and thankfully, Crowley wrote several commentaries at various points in his life. These commentaries explode expectations, and reveal extraordinary depth, offering staggering insights into the true nature of our reality.
This, the second part of this series, contains occult secrets and knowledge of an unrivaled depth and power...and not even thinly veiled secrets. Not veiled at all.
The only weakness here is the middle section, where Crowley spends several pages establishing and proving the fact of subjectivity, when it could have been done with a sentence or two. I kept this section intact in its entirety for the sake of completeness, and there are a few gems scattered throughout this morbid excess of grandiose verrbosity. The first and last parts more than compensate, however, and the value for the true student of mysticism, magick, or the Mysteries in general, cannot be overstated. Properly understood, what is being conveyed here is truly staggering. A monumental moment in the history of humanity.
Do as thou whilt shall be the whole of the law, indeed.

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