The Late Prepper Answers Questions About Prepping... And Elon Musk

2 years ago


Every Friday on my show at Red State Talk Radio (listen live Monday through Friday at 2:00 pm Eastern), I answer email questions from listeners. Today, I asked for questions about prepping. I took the segment of that show in which I answer questions and isolated it here.

Below are the questions asked, edited only for spelling and punctuation. If any of them interest you, please take a listen to the podcast itself.

No name - You seem new to prepping so why should we listen to you?

Andy O. from outside Minneapolis - A comment on your Substack said that MRE's are a waste of money, but you had recommended them. Who's right?

Krissy - What do we do about prescription meds if things go south. I cannot survive without them nor can my husband.

No name - What scenarios do you see as most likely making us fend for ourselves? Do you recommend iodine for nuclear war?

Kyle from Denmark - Is Elon Musk a good guy or a bad guy?

Filemone - I have a large family in a crowded city. We have very close friends and family here and we are trying to take advantage of this fact since only one of us even has a big yard and none of us have a lot of space. What can we do to make sure we're taking care of each other?

Sam (Samantha) from Franklin PA - I'm getting mixed signals on gold and silver. Should I buy or should I not?

No name - We are very late to prepping and I have a few thousand dollars to spend. Pretend like we have nothing stocked up yet and tell me what to buy.

No name - Should we leave the city?

Vera from Texas - Our church started an emergency group for people to share their supplies but I've always heard to keep prepping a secret.

Jake from State Farm - I live alone but I have a young son nearby and I'm sure he and his mother will come to me if the apocalypse comes. I have 200 lbs of rice and 50 lbs of pinto beans. I know I need more but how long will that last? Should I buy a food bucket and if so which one?

Ann - How is your meat company coming?

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