On the Ground in Georgia | Red White & True News | Validate the Vote Georgia Ep. 25-(1080p)

2 years ago

In this episode of Red White & True News, True the Vote Founder Catherine Engelbrecht discusses Validate the Vote Georgia and what is playing out in the Georgia Senate runoff elections. As citizens, we have far more power than we think. Citizens are the core of this country and there are so many things that we can do to turn this back around. In 2010, one of TTV's first projects was the citizen challenge – a way for citizens to draw attention to ineligible voters and problems inside the election process. That helped us form a path to our efforts with Elector Challenges in Georgia.

Recent Validate the Vote Georgia headlines referenced in this podcast episode:

- True the Vote Partners With Georgia GOP to Ensure Transparent, Secure Ballot Effort for Senate Runoff Elections https://truethevote.org/true-the-vote...
- True the Vote Launches Georgia Election Integrity Hotline as Part of the Most Comprehensive Ballot Security Effort in Georgia History https://truethevote.org/true-the-vote...
- True the Vote Partners with Georgians in Every County to Preemptively Challenge 364,541 Potentially Ineligible Voters https://truethevote.org/true-the-vote...
- True the Vote Offers Legal Support to Georgia Counties That Stand Up to ACLU’s Misinformation and Intimidation Campaign https://truethevote.org/true-the-vote...
- True the Vote: Abrams’ Sister’s Ruling Wrong on Law, Clear Conflict https://truethevote.org/true-the-vote...

True the Vote will not surrender. We will not quit. We will not be silent. Nor should you. This is about every eligible American voter's opportunity to have their voices heard loudly and clearly. Now is the time to stand up.

If you live in Georgia, make sure you vote to have your voice heard!

If you see something, say something. Use our Election Integrity Hotline, GAValidatetheVote.org or 855-702-0702.

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