Dr. Mark McDonald: How We Sacrificed Our Children in the Name of COVID Protection

2 years ago

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“People have taken in the feeling, the experience of being afraid all of the time. And so even if they’re told that they can be safe now without the mask, they still want to wear them. They insist on wearing them.”

I sit down with Dr. Mark McDonald, a psychiatrist and author of “United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis.”

The pandemic of fear was worse than the COVID-19 pandemic itself, McDonald argues. The ones harmed the most are children. They were bombarded for two years by incessant messaging—from parents, teachers, peers, television, and beyond. Going to school became dangerous. Children were told to stay home, stay safe, and avoid any risk and danger to themselves or others. Many have internalized the fears of their parents, argues McDonald. This is despite studies showing that otherwise healthy children are at very low risk from COVID-19, and children are also significantly less likely to spread the virus than adults.

“I don’t know if these kids are going to grow up normally. I don’t know if they’re ever going to be able to challenge themselves and take risks when they’re adults because they never did when they were younger.”

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Dr. Mark McDonald: How We Sacrificed Our Children in the Name of COVID Protection | American Thought Leaders
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